Sunday, August 24, 2014

Let's try this again....

I'm Back!!!

So I'm going to be doing a 12 week long challenge.

Last time, I believe I had done 4 weeks of full workout schedules and clean eating straight with some really awesome results.

In some ways, I'm starting over.  But not completely.  I know what my workouts will look like and what food I need to eat and when.

My goal in doing this 12 week challenge is to dedicate the time to get into a very consistent schedule as well as get far enough into the schedule that I am lifting 4-6 reps per set, instead of 8-12 like I will be doing in the 1st 4 weeks.  This will cut my workout time down to about 45 minutes, hopefully.

So I will be doing the following:

Monday:  Upper Body A + 30 minute Cardio session
Tuesday:  Lower Body A + 30 minute Cardio session
Wednesday:  30 minute Cardio session
Thursday:  Upper Body B + 30 minute Cardio session
Friday:  Lower Body B + 30 minute Cardio session

For 12 weeks.


Another change:  I will not be weighing myself.  This is more about consistency than weight right now.  I'm looking forward to the changes that I can observe, and that others may be able to see....but the scale will not tell me the whole picture so....I'm keeping it out of the picture for these 12 weeks.  I don't even know what my starting weight is, though I can guess.

So wish me luck!  I also plan to blog as many nights of the week as I can, just to keep my motivation up.  I won't post them all to Facebook so...come check them out when you can!

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